The occupational health and safety catalog in an app

Do you work in healthcare, on the roads, in landscaping, or spend a lot of time behind a screen? Are you wondering how to safely handle a particular situation? Or how to best set up your workspace? In many organizations and industries, information is available with tips, requirements, and checklists to enable healthy and safe […]

A behind-the-scenes look at Yaacomm

As app builders, we keep a close eye on technological developments. We also maintain constant contact with customers, during which new requests for features or components often arise. We build our apps modularly, which means that new or additional components can be easily added. By utilizing the innovative technology of SurrealDB, we can offer our […]

A well-searchable CLA on your website with a web widget

An accessible CLA for your employees and employers on your website? That’s easily arranged with the CLA web widget in just a few mouse clicks. With this plug-in, you can easily place a CLA, formatted in your own house style and easily searchable, on a page within your own website. The CLA is excellently searchable, […]

Veilig gesprek-app

As a healthcare professional, you have daily conversations with clients. Every conversation is different and can also go differently than expected. Sometimes you find it difficult to start a conversation, for example when you’re about to deliver bad news. You can also encounter aggression.To support employees in their work, we have developed the Veilig gesprek-app […]

ANKO Entrepreneurs app: a versatile communication tool.

Image of four phones with the ANKO Ondernemers app

The ANKO (the trade association for entrepreneurial hairdressers) now has a powerful communication tool at its disposal with the ANKO Entrepreneurs app (ANKO Ondernemers app). We are proud of the new entrepreneurs’ app that we had the opportunity to develop for the hairdressing industry. In addition to general information (such as collective labor agreement texts, […]

All the essentials of professional ethics always at your fingertips

Image of three phones with the Beroepsethiek BPSW app

What about privacy in collaboration with your client? How do you act independently and professionally within the scope you have as a social worker? When do you do what is right? From now on, every social worker has an ethical guideline at their fingertips. The BPSW launched the professional ethics app (beroepsethiek-app) for social workers […]

New tools for sustainable employability

How can I spend my balance budget? How does the Generational Pact scheme affect me? How many extra senior days am I accruing? We have recently been able to develop a few useful tools for our clients in the field of sustainable employability. In the calculation tools that we develop for our clients, we pay […]

In the top 100 with your CLA app!

Our informative apps have undergone significant development over the years. Over 10 years ago, we rolled out the first collective bargaining agreement app. A useful app where users can find information about their employment conditions. Since then, we have custom-built numerous informative apps for industries and organizations, such as Professional Code apps and sector-specific apps. […]

Yaacomm in the spotlight

Image of SurrealDB

To ensure that we can continue to create innovative applications, we closely monitor technological developments. And when we come across exciting new pieces of technology, we assess whether and how we can apply them to create new possibilities for our clients. That way, over the past year, we have been able to work on some […]

New tools for sustainable employability

Image of two phones with the balance budget tool CAO GGZ app

How can I spend my balance budget? What does the Generational Pact scheme mean for me? How many additional senior days do I accumulate? We have recently developed a few handy tools for our clients in the field of sustainable employability. In the calculation tools we develop for our clients, we pay a lot of […]