Your company information CLA industry information ARBO code of conduct AVR regulations

in an app

Our passion is helping companies and industry organizations effectively communicate with employees/members through user-friendly apps.

Toegankelijk en altijd bij de hand​ icon

Accessible and always at your fingertips

We develop user-friendly, clear, and playful apps with great ease of use.

Whether it’s about employment conditions, regulations, news, or useful (calculation) tools: everything is within reach within a few clicks. Always and everywhere, current and accessible information.

Snel, makkelijk en modern​ icon

Fast, easy, and modern

Almost everyone takes advantage of the tremendous flexibility and numerous possibilities offered by a smartphone or tablet. That’s where your organization can come into play.

An app helps your organization to share company information and engage users in an inviting and user-friendly way. We also build a custom app for you. We always do that in close collaboration for an optimal result.

An app in your own corporate identity

This way, your employees/members will feel right at home.

Afbeelding van vier telefoons met de CAO Metaal en Techniek app, Werken in de sport app, CAO VVT app en Goedenacht StAZ app

Our clients

Our users say this

Foto van een jonge vrouw die naar haar telefoon kijkt en lacht

This is how we help our customers

More and more organizations are choosing an app to help them achieve their business goals. What are the benefits for you?

  • Our apps are fast, user-friendly, and can utilize features of your phone, such as your camera and your address book.

  • Additionally, apps are great for customer engagement, as they provide a rich user experience.

  • The information within the app is easy to customize. Everyone quickly becomes aware of the latest developments.

  • Information is also available offline immediately.

  • You can promote your organization’s goals in a modern and exclusive way through an app.

This is how we help our customers

More and more organizations are choosing an app to help them achieve their business goals. What are the benefits for you?

  • Our apps are fast, user-friendly, and can utilize features of your phone, such as your camera and your address book.

  • Additionally, apps are great for customer engagement, as they provide a rich user experience.

  • The information within the app is easy to customize. Everyone quickly becomes aware of the latest developments.

  • Information is also available offline immediately.

  • You can promote your organization’s goals in a modern and exclusive way through an app.

Reviews in the app stores

Recent projects

With our informative and supportive apps, we are always looking for new technical possibilities. This is how we help our clients innovate and achieve their goals.

ANKO Ondernemers app icon

ANKO Ondernemers

With the Entrepreneurs app, hairdressers always have ANKO with them! Read more...

Goedenacht StAZ app icon

Goedenacht StAZ

In the Goedenachtapp, employees of (academic) hospitals can find tips and information to help them get through their night shifts as smoothly as possible. Read more...

Beroepsethiek BPSW app icon

Beroepsethiek BPSW

The BPSW launched the professional ethics app (beroepsethiek-app) for social workers on World Social Work Day. Read more...

Recent projects

With our informative and supportive apps, we are always looking for new technical possibilities. This is how we help our clients innovate and achieve their goals.

Gezond Werken Provincies app icon

Gezond en Veilig werken

The occupational health and safety catalogue always at hand.

Veilig gesprek app icon

Veilig gesprek

Assess risks before a meeting with your clients and receive tailored advice.

CAO GGZ app icon


Tools for sustainable employability in the app and on the website.