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Web Widgets

A well-searchable interactive collective labour agreement on your own website? Through a handy plug-in, a web widget, you can make documents such as the CLA, employee handbook, or occupational health and safety catalog (ARBO) easily accessible and available.
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The CLA is easily searchable and always up-to-date on your website

Employment conditions are important for both employers and employees. On websites, there is often a search for CLA articles, especially regarding conditions related to salary and leave. Easily searchable and accessible CLA texts are essential in this regard.

Yaacomm takes the hassle out of managing your CLA with the CLA web widget. You provide us with the CLA texts, and in return, you’ll receive a plug-in that you can place anywhere on your website. The CLA texts can be viewed in full (including all tables) there. With a convenient table of contents and accessible texts. The articles are highly searchable, including synonyms (wage, salary, etc.). References to other articles and external sites are also included in it.

And will there be any changes made to the texts? Adjustments can be easily made (if desired by you) and published. This ensures that the employment conditions are always up to date. And do you already have a CLA app from Yaacomm? If so, the app components can be placed on your own site as web widgets. Any changes made will immediately go live both in the app and on the website.

Goede service aan uw leden​ icon

Convenient (calculation) tools regarding your employment conditions on your website

How can your employees apply the employment conditions to their own situation themselves? Yaacomm offers a range of convenient CLA (calculation) tools. Through web widgets, you can place these tools anywhere on your website, formatted in your own brand style. In this way, you provide service to employers and employees, for example, with tools in the field of sustainable employability, calculating annual hours, or calculating irregularity allowances. And do the texts or calculations change? Changes can be easily made (if desired by you). This way, the tools are always up-to-date.

Example web-widget: Balance budget tool
With the Balance budget tool, you provide employees with information about the options that the CLA offers regarding the flexible spending budget. With the calculation tool, they can then calculate how much they have available to spend net.
Example web-widget: School holidays tool.
With the School holidays tool, you can instantly see how the school holidays fall in the North, Central, and South regions.