Beroepscode​ icon

Professional code

Support professionals in their daily work with the professional code app.

At times, as a professional, you have to make choices and encounter moral questions and dilemmas. The app provides your employees with tools in their daily practice and assists in making and justifying choices.

The app also offers opportunities to keep employees informed and engaged with the professional code.

Voordelen van een Beroepscode-app​ icon

Benefits of a professional code app

The app supports employees in working according to guidelines and procedures. In the app, employees can find guidelines that help them make choices in situations or dilemmas and further their professional development.

  • An app is accessible 24/7 via a mobile device
  • Information is easy to find using the extensive search function
  • Professional development of your employees
  • Modernization of communication with your professionals
Aan de slag met hun arbeidsvoorwaarden​ icon

Modern communication

The app makes full use of the capabilities of mobile devices. With additional tools, information, and interaction, you assist professionals in their daily practice.

Information is available when needed, and professionals can continue on their own.

You provide added value to your employees in a modern way in performing their tasks.

Eenvoudig te beheren en uitgebreid te monitoren icon

Easy to manage and monitor

With the included Dashboard, you can track how the app is being used and keep the information up to date.

Manage the content of the app yourself; changes are immediately visible to the users.

A professional code app in your own corporate identity

This way, your employees/members will feel right at home.

Afbeelding van drie telefoons met de Beroepsethiek BPSW app

Customer testimonials about the Professional Code app

Interested in an app for your members or entrepreneurs?

Curious about the possibilities of a professional code app? Feel free to contact us for a no-obligation demo or advice. We are happy to think along with you.