
Important information in a smart format: the collective labour agreement, the occupational health and safety catalog, or the professional code. Many funds have benefited from it, experiencing the simplicity and convenience of providing information accessibly. Can we assist you by creating a customised app?

Toegankelijk en overzichtelijk icon

Accessible and clear

Information about terms of employment or safe and healthy working is now available everywhere and at all times, even if your users don’t have an internet connection.

Moreover, our apps are optimised for accessible use on smartphones and tablets. This way, users of the app can set the font size to any desired size, and the content of the app can be read aloud.

Extra mogelijkheden voor optimaal gemak icon

Additional features for optimal convenience

The app comes with all the conveniences. Popular collective labour agreement topics, such as salary tables, are immediately at hand. You can also search for synonyms.

Want to know the details about allowances, leave, or annual hours? With our handy (calculation) tools, you get quick answers and insights.

Eenvoudig in het onderhoud icon

Easy to maintain

Through the app dashboard, you can easily manage the content of the app yourself. You also gain insight into the usage of the app.

New collective labour agreement texts? Modifications can be quickly incorporated into the app. Would you rather not do this yourself? No problem: we’re happy to take care of you!

Foto van Berend Keehnen

App in practice

The Sport Collective Labour Agreement applies to 3,500 people working in sports. The app helps provide employees with insight into a good CLA and engages them in the CLA. Push notifications also play a role in this, from asking questions to referring to a did-you-know, highlighting something from the CLA.

We see the added value of the app and will continue to develop it continuously. We make use of the new search function with synonyms throughout the app. When you enter your salary, you will also find everything related to wages, or when you type ‘moving,’ you will immediately reach the article on the Moving Cost Scheme.

Berend Keehnen, communicatieadviseur bij Werkgevers in de Sport (WOS)

Onze klanten

Feedback from customers

A collective labor agreement (CAO) or occupational health and safety (ARBO) app for your organization?

Curious about the possibilities of a collective labor agreement (CAO) app or occupational health and safety (ARBO) app for your organization? Feel free to contact us for a no-obligation demo or advice. We are happy to think along with you.