With the occupational health and safety catalog (ARBO) app, you can effectively and efficiently inform employees about information and regulations concerning healthy and safe working.
The information is easily accessible with the app, highly searchable, and always up-to-date. With the app, you also have a modern communication tool at your disposal; news or changes in rules and regulations are quickly and easily available through the app.
Benefits of an ARBO app
✓ Information is always up-to-date
✓ Regulations are quickly and easily searchable and available
✓ You provide added value to employers and employees

Easy to manage and extensively monitor

Providing added value to employers and employees
An occupational health and safety catalogue often provides a lot of different information. Also, not everyone always has access to a laptop/PC. However, almost everyone carries a smartphone with them. The app makes full use of the capabilities of mobile devices. With additional tools, information, and interaction, employees can actively use their occupational health and safety catalogue. This way, you provide added value to employers and employees and offer support for safe and healthy working practices.
An ARBO app in your own corporate style
We are building a custom app for you. We always do that in close collaboration for an optimal result. This way, your employees/members will feel right at home.

Customers' feedback on the OSH catalog
We want to make it as easy as possible for employees to access the information they need to work healthily and safely.
Useful to be able to consult the topics of the occupational health and safety catalogue anywhere at work (in the office but especially outside).
Clear structure, nice layout.
Works well and is easy to navigate.
Interested in an occupational health and safety app?
Curious about the possibilities of an ARBO? Feel free to contact us for a no-obligation demo or advice. We are happy to think along with you.
With the provided dashboard, you can keep the information up-to-date and see how the app is being used. Manage the content of the app yourself; changes are immediately visible to users. No options to manage the app yourself? We are happy to take care of it for you!