Further development of the Working in Sports CLA App

Photo of employees from Samen Preseteren en Yaacomm

Employers in Sports (WOS) have taken new steps in the further development of their CLA App. In 2018, they started offering the CLA through an app for everyone connected to the CLA Sport, with a primary focus on employees. “A good moment for modernization and at the same time a way for employees to easily […]

New CLA agreements for Orsima

Image of four phones with the Orsima op zak app

In the autumn of 2022, new CLA agreements were made for Orsima companies, which have recently been incorporated into an app. Employees working in the industrial cleaning and services sector can easily find the CLA in the ‘Orsima on the Go’ app, which can be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play Store. “For […]

Working on sustainable employability with the CLA app

Image of a phone with the Cao Huisartsenzorg app

“Sustainable employability is an important topic in general practice healthcare, but it’s comprehensive and hard to grasp. The conversation cards and the self-check help make it practical for employees and supervisors on the work floor. And through the excellent CLA app, these tools are literally at your fingertips.” Speaking is  Erik Schouten, senior advisor and […]

Making it easier to use, understand, and apply the CLA

Photo of a window cleaner

“In the CLA app, we can include additional explanations and interpretations of articles, making it easier for members to use, understand, and apply the CLA.” Melanie Klerx Melanie Klerx, Communications Advisor at Schoonmakend Nederland, shares about the development and use of the  CLA app that Schoonmakend Nederland had developed. From printed information to digital information only […]

Interactive performance reviews

Image of two employees and the app Het goede gesprek

How can conversations between managers and employees be made more interactive? How can technology further support the conversation? The toolkit “Het Goede Gesprek” provides a solution. In the provincial sector, the tool “Het Goede Gesprek,” developed by Yaacomm on behalf of the A&O-fonds Provincies, is used. We asked Marga Waldekker, Program Manager at A&O-fonds Provincies, […]

Yaacomm is moving!

Photo of the reception area at Element Offices

Finally! After months of working from home, we are returning to the office. And we’re making a fresh start right away because we’re relocating. As of October 1st, we’ll be moving into Level, a beautiful location just behind Leiden Central Station. We are really looking forward to our new space. Our office is located on […]

Yaacomm get together

Photo of a pool table

It was wonderful to be together with (almost) the entire team for the first time in months! While online work is going well, we noticed that socializing online is still a bit more challenging. Fortunately, our home base in Leiden offers plenty of opportunities for a COVID-responsible get-together. Starting with a visit to Museum Boerhaave […]

The CLA app for secondary education.

Image of two phones with the CAO VO app

This week, the new CAO VO (Collective Labor Agreement for Secondary Education) app was launched, developed by Yaacomm for Voion. With this user-friendly and free app, employees always have the current CAO VO at their fingertips. With this app, you can: quickly search through the complete CAO VO texts highlight texts and email them view […]

Convenient time tracking for the window cleaner

Image of a phone with the Wassteel app

Yaacomm is pleased with the enthusiastic reception of the Wassteel timer app, a handy app that assists the window cleaner with time tracking. Thanks to Schoonmakend Nederland for the excellent collaboration in the development of this app. We wish window cleaners success in their work and a lot of user-friendliness with the app!

Schoonmakend Nederland

Image of four phones with the CAO Schoonmaak app

By the end of 2020, the cleaning industry had implemented its new vision for the future. As part of this, there was a new name and a new look. Of course, this also includes a new look for the app: the updated collective labor agreement cleaning app (CAO-schoonmaak-app) of Schoonmakend Nederland (formerly OSB). The app […]