A searchable collective labour agreement is genuinely valued by individuals in the sector

The Labour Market Fund FCB has had collective agreement apps developed for childcare and social work. The apps have been available in the app stores for several years. Recently, these apps underwent a makeover. In addition to the apps being completely aligned with the corporate identity, they now also offer additional features for communicating with professionals in the industry.

We spoke with Suzanne Wartenbergh, industry specialist for Social Work at FCB. She explains how the app aids them in reaching professionals and supporting employers and employees.

“The CLA App for Childcare was primarily used to have quick and easily searchable access to the collective agreement texts. We didn’t really make use of the other features the app offers. We then experimented with some possibilities, such as sending out surveys through the app via push notifications. This received a good response, which prompted us to explore what else the app could yield.”

You can read the entire interview here.